Flower Petals
MF Fg Msolo masturbation creampie inc mother/daughter father/daughter

From the imagination of Chase Shivers

February 27, 2014

Please read my Explicit Disclaimer before you read my work.

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Chapter 18: One-Point-Five Mill

Chapter Cast:

Brent, Male, 34
- Narrator, marketing manager, father of Orchid
- Tan white skin, 5'10, 175lbs, shoulder-length curly brown hair
Orchid, Female, 13
- Daughter of Brent
- Pale white skin, 5'8, 140lbs, mid-back length nearly-black hair
Dahlia, Female, 36
- Mother of Lily
- Tan white skin, 5'9, 155lbs, 38D breasts, shoulder-length wavy brown hair, green eyes
Lily (Lilian), Female, 9
- Daughter of Dahlia
- Dark-tan skin, 4'5, 70lbs, mid-back wavy brown hair, dark eyes, Native American features
Ben, Male, late-60s
- Husband of Freddie
- Tan skin, fit, 5'11, 175lbs, short white-brown hair
Freddie, Female, late-60s
- Wife of Ben
- Tan skin, fit, 5'8, 145lbs, short curly white-blonde hair

Dahlia and I caught up by phone on Sunday evening. I told her what Orchid had said to me, about 'doing stuff' with Lily, about how my daughter had been too scared to know what to do, or what she wanted to do. Dahlia explained what Lily had disclosed.

The girls had been talking lightly about sex all weekend, Lily dancing around the subject, not revealing her secrets despite telling Dahlia on the ride home that she really wanted to tell Orchid that she'd had sex with me. The two had heard us having sex and being loud while they were in the pool Saturday night, and Lily made suggestive comments about the 'fun' being had. She said Orchid had appeared nervous and wanted to change the subject.

On their way to the bedroom to change out of their bikinis, they'd stopped in the bathroom to grab fresh towels. Lily noted that their panties were gone and giggled that 'those two probably snagged them' and were smelling them. The girl grabbed a pair of Dahlia's worn panties and the girls changed in the bedroom.

Lily said she watched my daughter as they changed out of wet bathing suits and enjoyed looking at her body. She noticed that Orchid watched her a bit as well, though nervously. When they were in pajamas, Lily pulled out her mother's panties and sniffed them, convinced Orchid to do the same. They talked a bit about it, which is when Lily suggested that I probably snagged and sniffed Orchid's underwear.

Lily started touching Orchid, just her arms and legs at first, but on the bed, they got closer. Lily kissed her, Orchid kissed back, then broke off. By that time, Lily was very turned on and asked Orchid if she could make love with her. Orchid's non-response led to nothing more than Lily fondling the teen's breasts and continuing to kiss her. Orchid began to get drawn in and seemed to enjoy the kissing, and Lily masturbated next to her, a hand inside her pajamas stroking her own clit. She orgasmed, then spent the rest of the evening kissing and lighly touching Orchid, nothing below the waist.

I was so hard by the end of the story that I was masturbating. I told Dahlia how turned on I was and she told me that her pussy was drenched from the conversation on the ride home. Lily had settled between her legs as we spoke on the phone, and I jerked off furiously as Dahlia climaxed. I pulled Lily's soiled panties to my face and ejaculated onto the floor.

I was overwhelmed, aroused, confused. My cock leaked onto the carpet as Dahlia breathed heavily into the phone. She told me that we should talk again on Monday, try to figure out what we would say, if anything, to Orchid and Lily. Then I heard Lily's voice and Dahlia let me know that her daughter wanted to orgasm and she needed to go. I wished I could watch my lover licking the nine-year old's pussy again.

Instead, I had a glass of scotch and went for a swim. Orchid had been in her room all evening, but she joined me at the pool soon after I got in. She wore the same bikini that had given me the glimpse of her pubic hair the day before, and as she turned and bent over to pull off her shoes, I saw my daughter's sex through the fabric. It was amazing. Hairs pushed against the bottoms, dark and clearly visible to my eyes. Her ass cheeks spread slightly and I could see the small tight anus nestled between. Her labia were slightly swollen but held together by the suit.

For several seconds I was simply unable to look away. Even when Orchid stood and turned toward the pool, I was lost in that moment. “Everything ok, Dad?”

I snapped out and tried to act normal. Normal, Ha! My cock was raging in my shorts as the image of my daughter's genitals burned in my vision. “Uh... y-yeah, yeah... Just... uh... missing Dahlia... just that... How you doing?”

She gave a small smile, “ok, I guess. Wish Lily was here. But ok.”

Orchid slipped into the water and started swimming around while I kept myself well down in the water, my hardon refusing to go away.

We talked about the week ahead. Orchid had saxophone lessons on Monday and Thursday, and we'd managed to sign her up for swimming team trials on Wednesday. I sipped my scotch and finally pushed my mind away from my beautiful daughter's body and into dad mode again. She seemed not to notice the difference as we chatted about how to fill up the rest of her time.

“I want you to get ahead on school work this summer. You don't have to start immediately, but there are some good books you can study before starting high school that should really help you. Deal?”

She agreed, said, “yeah, ok. Gonna be really tough to start a new school... I miss my friends a lot. Wish they could come with me here... Wish Lily were closer.”

I nodded and replied, “I know, Kitty. I know.”

She eyed me oddly, “Kitty?”

I had missed that slipping in. “Uh... yeah, sorry. I... uh, Dahlia calls Lily that... uh, I think. Just slipped out.”

She smiled, said, “s'ok. Kitty, I can live with that. Better than Pumpkin.”

Sweat dripped from my forehead, the combination of the heated pool and my confusing and arousing thoughts churning in my head. I pulled myself out of the water and sat on the edge. Orchid's eyes darted quickly to my crotch where my cock was only half-hard before she pretended to braid her wet hair. I shifted to avoid showing her the way my penis was growing larger from her gaze.

We ate a light meal that night and I told Orchid good night. She hugged me and despite my attempts to maintain a position that wouldn't do so, the tip of my penis pressed against her stomach. She kissed my cheek and I kissed hers, held her, told her I loved her and thanked her for a fun weekend. My daughter replied, “yeah, you too. I hope we can do it again soon. Can't wait to go camping next weekend.”

I settled into bed and jerked off again, spraying my cum while inhaling Lily's panties and thinking about my daughter's hairy privates.

- - -

Tuesday at work brought the shock of a lifetime. Well, maybe not compared to having sex with a nine-year old. But as far as my 'normal' life went, Tuesday was a huge one. My boss pulled me into his office in the early afternoon for a discussion. It wasn't unusual for us to quietly talk about strategy or how other members of the team were performing. Over the years, Jim and I had become a solid 1-2 punch when it came to finding and sealing deals, then delivering top-shelf advertising services. We'd grown the business for several years and despite our relatively remote location, had an impact across several states.

Jim shut the door to his office and sat, motioned me to do the same. He hesitated a moment, finally said, “Mogoni Marketing is buying us out.”

I let that sink in a moment. “Oh, boy. Seriously? What does that mean for us?”

Jim's lips grew tight. “Well... According to Margaret, the deal is all but done. She told me this morning that Mogoni is probably going to clean house at the top and consolidate us with their field office in Roanoke.” Margaret was the company founder and owner, a nice but firm woman who had put in more hours to build the business than any two of us. The news was not good.

I felt concern grow tight and heavy in my chest. “That's... clean house? All of us? God, Jim... no...”

Jim nodded, said, “I don't know everything, Margaret's been pretty tight-lipped about all this until this morning, but... she made it clear to me that you and I and Anne should probably consider June 1st the likely start of a month of transition. Mogoni moves fast... Margaret said that June may be our last month with the company...”

“Goddammit! I've been here eleven years, Jim! You've been here longer! How the hell do they just throw all that away? We're the best at what we do, we've been kicking Mogoni's ass for the last decade.”

Jim nodded again, shook his head, spread his hands wide. “Trust me, I know, Brent, I know. I've been boiling all morning trying to understand it. I'm hoping this is just Margaret being over-concerned. But she did say that Mogoni was buying us for our client base rather than for our talent... I think they're missing the main value in our company... but... I've had no say in anything. I guess Margaret is going to make out pretty good, she hinted that the company valuation is over 40 million.”

“Fuck! So what the hell am I supposed to do?”

“Well... you'll do ok, Brent. Me too, really. Don't have to worry about anything more than what to do with our time. Maybe that's good, eh?”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Don't you remember? At ten years of employement, you were the last one grandfathered into the old vesting agreement. You own three percent of the company. Think that works out to about 1.2 million. Sure, not enough to retire on... but not bad until you find something else, eh?”

“Wha... really? I sorta recall getting a note from Margaret and signed some documents... I had forgotten that... A million dollars? Just to me?”

“I have the same stake, and so does Anne. Margaret has the rest. Plus, your employment contract is pretty solid, just like mine. There should be a hefty buyout on top of that. Probably make the pre-tax number close to one-and-a-half.”

I sat stunned. Jim reached into his small wooden cabinet and pulled out a bottle of scotch and two glasses, pouring us each a couple of fingers. I took the drink and downed half of it in one go. Jim smiled. “Look, Brent. I'm sorry I have to break your day like this. It's not all bad, thanks to that vesting. Hell, I'm going to take a year off and travel. Always wanted to do that. My kids are grown, my wife is restless, think it's a perfect time for it. What are you thinking?”

“I... I don't know... I need some time to process this. I'd pay off my house, but beyond that... Orchid's living with me now, gotta consider her... Maybe we'll travel this summer, that might be something to enjoy. One-point-five mill... Still over a mill after taxes... Can't retire... but I can definitely take some time to find the right next steps...”

Jim downed his scotch and poured us both another couple of fingers. We clinked glasses and agreed that it wasn't all bad. My mind raced. I thought of Dahlia, of wanting to live with her. This might be the opportunity we needed to make that happen.

I was buzzing with thoughts of the future when I got home. I spilled my day to Orchid and she was excited. “Dad! That's awesome!”

“Well... not completely. I'll lose my job if Jim is right. It sounds like a lot of money, but it's not enough to never work again. I'll have to find something else... But... Well, Orchid... What would you say if I told you that Dahlia and I have been talking about moving in together?”

She smiled, her dark eyes shining and sparkling next to the pool. “I'd love it. I'd have a sister... uh... sister!” She stumbled over the word and I knew that her play with Lily had made her reconsider the right term for the girl.

I barely suppressed my arousal long enough to continue the conversation. “Well... good. Because Dahlia and I... we're in love, Kitty. I know it's only been a few weeks, but we've really connected. I could see us spending the rest of our lives together... but only if it works for you, you know? Only if it works for you. You're first in my world, always and forever.”

Orchid hugged me and laughed, “I know, Dad. I know. I love you and I think you and Dahlia are great together. Lily and I, we're... she's pretty cool. So... uh... what next?”

“Well, this is all just theoretical at this point. Until the deal goes through, there's nothing we can do. But if Jim is right, I've only got a few more weeks at my job. After that... well... we'll take that when it gets here.”

Orchid's excitement added to mine as she chattered about how much she looked forward to the weekend at the campground. She excused herself to go practice her sax and disappeared into her bedroom. I heard tentative notes play out, followed by endless scales. It wasn't exactly music, not yet, but I beamed as my daughter's enthusiasm for the instrument made me feel so proud.

The rest of the week was a buzz of anticipation. Both for the possibilities and for the weekend ahead. I let my fantasies of a 'new life' wander and began looking at properties in the mountains. I'd always planned to retire one day, to buy up a big piece of land in my favorite area of Virginia. Like most people, I had a novel or two in my head that I wished to have time to work on. I let myself believe I might just have that opportunity.

I found a couple of interesting locations at unbelievable prices. One parcel was almost forty acres and included a nice spring-fed stream and a cleared area for a house. Another was smaller but had a driveway connected to the Blue Ridge Parkway, with beautiful views of the area.

Each night, I collected Orchid's panties and jerked off. I still felt a little guilty, but even after I'd admitted to my daughter that I liked to smell her panties, she hadn't stopped putting them in the hamper. Every night, her damp, soiled underwear was on the top of the stack and I wondered if Orchid did that on purpose or if it was just a chance thing. Regardless, my daughter's odors led me to fire off several loads as the weekend approached.

I took to listening at her door at night, hoping to again hear her sweet sighs. I was not so fortunate there, and if Orchid was masturbating while I listened, I couldn't hear it.

Friday arrived at last. Orchid had been to two saxophone lessons and had done very well at the swim trials. My daughter was invited back to the center for the final round of selection the following week and she was excited by her opportunity.

We pulled up to the campsite a bit after two in the afternoon on Friday. Dahlia's fifth-wheel was already there, a small fire going with mother and daughter sitting around it drinking cocoa and roasting hot dogs. We all kissed and hugged and talked excitedly about having another weekend together. Lily and Orchid raced off to the creek while Dahlia and I broke out Scottish ales.

I'd told Dahlia all about my job situation, and she was breathlessly anticipating what might happen. We talked of moving in together. Her house was a little small for the four of us but she was very interested in hearing more about the properties I'd researched. Her job was still in the Front Royal area and she couldn't be too far away, but she admitted that she'd be willing to make long drives each day if it meant living in the mountains with me and Orchid.

We were on our third ale, loosened up and considering a bit of private time in the camper when we heard a vehicle making its way slowly up the mountain. We both felt a bit disappointed that we wouldn't be alone.

A large green SUV pulled up and and a man and woman stepped out, greeting us with smiles. They were an older couple, probably in their late 60s. The man was fit, had the look of someone that worked out regularly. His wife, too, was in great shape, her curves round but tight, her body certainly caught my attention.

“Hi there, I'm Ben, and this here is Freddie. First time we've been up here in a couple of years, didn't know anyone else used this spot.”

“Greetings Ben, Freddie, I'm Brent. This is Dahlia. My daughter Orchid is down swimming with Dahlia's girl Lily. We've both been coming up here separately for some time, just started camping together the last few weeks. Love this place.”

Freddie smiled and offered, “we do too. Had a bit of health issues for a couple of years, but we're doing great now. We'd been staying at a couple of small hotels an hour North, but it wasn't the same. This spot is just so peaceful for spending time with those you love.”

Dahlia squeezed my hand and I offered the couple beers. Freddie took two and handed one to Ben, said, “Thanks! We'll join you a moment then we need to get our tent set up. Glad to meet you two!”

We talked a bit while the girls played in the water, learned that Ben and Freddie were both retired professors. Ben taught Literature, Freddie was a lecturer and researcher in Geology. Quickly, the couple fell easily into conversation and they downed another set of beers before excusing themselves to get their tent up and supplies offloaded.

Dahlia leaned in to me after they had walked off, whispered, “well... I'd hoped to have the weekend to ourselves... but they are a really nice couple.”

“Yeah. You never know who you might meet up here, they seem pretty cool. We'll just have to... you know... warn Lily.”

“I know... she's good about it around anyone but you, well, you and Orchid now, I guess, but it won't hurt to remind her.”

Orchid walked up and I explained about Ben and Freddie. She just shrugged and said she was hungry. Dahlia walked down to the water and talked quietly with Lily. I saw the girl look toward the couple's tent and perhaps look a bit disappointed. The two walked back and I put foil-wrapped potatoes into the fire and pulled out the hamburgers I'd prepared at home.

Ben and Freddie reappeared after pulling their SUV down the road a bit. Their tent was similar in size to mine and sat back along the treeline at the edge of the campsite. They ate cheese and crackers as we got our burgers and potatoes together. I offered to make food for them, as well, but they declined and moved on to eating berries and sipping wine.

Ben told us they were going to hike up to the waterfalls early the next morning and invited us to come along. I told him thanks, but we would see it we were all up for an early trek in the morning. I thought to myself that it might give Dahlia and me a few moments of privacy. Orchid chimed in that she wanted to go, so Freddie promised to get her up before they took off.

Freddie and Ben swam a bit while the girls broke out their saxophones and played. Lily was better than I expected, especially for her age. Orchid couldn't keep up, but Lily stopped and walked her through scales several times between her solos. The older couple joined us and commented how wonderful the instruments sounded in the mountains.

Ben and Freddie excused themselves to change and disappeared into their tent. Dahlia grabbed and roll of toilet paper and went with Lily to the slit trench, leaving Orchid and I to eat smores.

The soft sounds of pleasure came to my ears and I froze in place. From their tent, I could hear Freddie's moans and the occasional rustling. Orchid looked at me, mouth open, said, “uh... is that what I think it is?”

I smiled, tried to relax, responded, “yeah, yeah... that's... well, that's good to know that even at their age, they still can be intimate.” Freddie let out a louder moan and I heard Ben grunting in rhythm. Orchid blushed but kept her attention on the tent as the sounds of the copulating couple peaked and then faded away. I saw my daughter adjust her bikini bottoms and noticed the flushed skin on her cheeks and the tops of her breasts. Her nipples were hard and pressed out against the fabric. My cock was hard and I had to move a bit to hide my arousal.

Dahlia and Lily returned and my daughter and I quietly told them what we'd heard. Lily's grin was huge, and she let slip, “Ohhh... wish I coulda heard them...” before Dahlia took her shoulder and lightly shushed her. Orchid blushed at the comment and kept her eyes anywhere but on the three of us sitting around the fire.

It wasn't long before the older couple rejoined our fire. Their eyes were dilated and they looked very relaxed. We introduced them to the girls and soon we were all sitting and chatting about camping, about the mountains, and about other places we'd stayed and enjoyed.

Dahlia's yawns seemed forced and it became clear to me that the woman was interested in retiring to the camper. I asked Lily, “you want to stay in the tent with Orchid tonight?”

The girl nodded and I saw her yawn in the same forced way that her mother had. Orchid looked a bit nervous and I pulled her aside a moment. “That ok, Kitty?”

“S-sure, Dad. Yeah, I'd like that... just... well, you know...”

“Yeah. Well, remember... do only what you want, ok? Say 'no' if you mean 'no.' I think she likes you a lot, she'll respect you if you are not ready for... well... not ready for... uh...”

“Jeez, Dad. Ok, I know. You and Dahlia... uh, have fun, ok?”

I kissed her forehead and hugged her. Orchid's arms wrapped around my back and she squeezed me tight. I pressed my lips to her cheek and told her goodnight before taking Dahlia's hand and heading to the camper. Ben and Freddie were retiring, too, and wished us sweet dreams.

Inside, Dahlia and I stripped down and turned off the lights. The girls had sat around the dying fire as we retreated and were talking quietly. Orchid's head turned from time to time in the direction of the other tent and toward the camper. Lily whispered excitedly and I saw my daughter smile and blush several times.

“What do you think they'll do?” Dahlia's whisper in my ear hit my mind as her fingers massaged my balls.

“I dunno. Orchid's still pretty nervous, but... I think she wants to do more than just kiss Lily. God, Dahlia, I feel so confused for wanting to watch. She needs to be a kid, to play and explore and have intimate fun with a friend, and all I want to do is watch and maybe even join in...”

Dahlia was stroking my shaft now, letting her fingers tickle my length and collect the precum from my tip, bringing it to her lips for a taste before replying. “She's growing up fast. Lily really likes her. She's never had anyone like Orchid in her life... I hope this works out for both of them. I really don't want Orchid to be hurt just because Lily wants more than she does... This past week... Lily wanted me to be Orchid for her... She licked my pussy and kept saying, “oh, Orchid... you're so sweet... love tasting you, Orchid... I got off on it so hard, and when I ate her out, she kept it up and came several times... God, so hot...”

Dahlia took my penis in her mouth as I watched the girls disappear into the tent. I listened intently for several moments as the woman sucked me, but could hear nothing over the wind which had picked up and rustled strongly through the trees.

I pushed Dahlia onto her back and kissed her lips, nibbled on her earlobes, her panting growing stronger as I licked her neck and started sucking on her nipples. I loved Dahlia's motherly breasts, the weight was so warm and wonderful in my hands. I massaged them, rubbed them, let them play back and forth as my fingers danced around and over her hard nipples.

I let a hand drift down between her legs, found that she had completely shaven her pubes and was smooth and wet. I slid down and let my mouth engulf her sex, sucking her pussy in and licking her vulva with my tongue. She moaned and rocked, my head between her thighs. I probed her vagina, tasted her slick, pungent cream sliding out. I inhaled her scent, her ripe, heavenly aroma made me tingle and pulse.

Dahlia cried out as I circled her clit, slid two fingers into her cunt and one more into her tight asshole. The woman rode my digits as I licked and sucked her flesh. She moaned, covered her mouth as if she wanted to muffle her lovely sounds, and enjoyed a long, slow climax. “mmmm... mmmm... mmmmohmm... mmmm... mmmm... mmmoooohmmm... mmmmm... mmmmm...”

Her pussy was soaked and drooling as I moved over her and slid my penis into her opening. She sucked in her breath and looked at my face, her mouth open, her lips wet and swollen. Dahlia was the very picture of lust and desire and arousal. My balls slid against her ass cheeks and I started fucking the woman's hot, wet, welcoming pussy. I whispered to her, “I'm gonna plant my seed in you... gonna make a baby in you... tell me you want it... tell me you want my seed...”

“Oh... Brent... yes... I want your seed... God, I want to get pregnant... yes... yes... oh, fuck me... fuck me and fill me with your seed...”

I thrust in and out of Dahlia's body, her swollen labia so tender and slick along my shaft. In and out, in and out, she moaned and sighed and whispered, “oh, fuck me... oh, fuck me... oh, I want you to cum in me...” over and over. I let my weight fall over her, Dahlia's large breasts pressed below me, our lips meeting and joining as I fucked the woman.

In and out, in and out, I felt burning spread through my groin, whispered, “ohh... ohh... Dahlia... I've got a load for you... tell me where you want it... oh, fuck... tell me...”

“In me... cum in me... oh... Daddy... cum in me... fill me up and make me pregnant... ohh... Daddy...”

I stroked hard against her, felt her vagina tighten as sperm raced up my length. I moaned, “oooh... oh... yes... doing it... filling you... ohh... ohhh... filling you...... ohhh....” I ejaculated strongly inside Dahlia's pussy, spurt after spurt firing out and soaking into her cunt.

She wrapped her arms around me, whispered, “oh... I feel you cumming... feel you giving me your seed... God... give me your seed... ooohhh...” as I came. My semen flooded her, filled her, fiery jism pooling against her cervix. I pushed deep as my ejaculating slowed, my cock plugging her hole, my semen held inside her.

Dahlia purred as we kissed, her body jerking occasionally as my cock spasmed and throbbed in her pussy. She whispered, “ohh, Brent... ohhh... yes... I love when you cum in me... God, I love feeling your hot sperm shooting in my pussy. Ooohh... oooh...”

I heard a moan from outside and we held still trying to listen. For a second, I told myself it was Orchid, but a second moan made it clear that it was Freddie, not my daughter. We listened as the woman's pleasure built, could occasionally hear Ben grunting. My cock grew hard again, and soon both Dahlia and I were orgasming again as we heard Freddie cum and Ben's shout of 'Oh! Yes! Yes!' rang out through the campground. I spurted again into Dahlia, the woman's body now full of my seed, my sperm trying to find a way to her egg.

I rolled off Dahlia and she quickly closed her legs and tried to keep my semen inside her pussy. We kissed and hugged and touched each other for a long time, our ears still trying to hear what might be going on in the other tent. Our daughters, however, were not making any sounds that we could detect, and at some point, we fell asleep, my cum soaking in Dahlia's cunt.

End of Chapter 18

Read Chapter 19